This title came from a discussion I was having with my friend who cleans our house about toddler birthday parties. She was telling me how she was helping out a friend who is a single mom with her little ones bday party and it just felt like chaos and her friend asked her, "What am I doing wrong?" To which she replied "You're not doing anything wrong." This is what I have to keep reminding myself as I slog through these early years with two girls twenty months apart. And it has been bringing up some great titles for the memoir I'll write someday. "What were we thinking" "You're not doing anything wrong, it's just that age" "What happened to my brain" and "Mommyhood Bites".
I've also been coming up with analogies to describe to people what I'm going through as a stay at home mom. I feel like I'm climbing up an escalator that's going down, and I never get to the top. Sometimes the damn thing shoots me off the bottom and I have to get up and try again and again and again. The first few months home with the girls I kept telling friends I felt like I was trying to learn how to juggle cats. Everyone kept saying, "That's impossible." And I'm thinking, "Now you know how I feel." Of course the most obvious analogy is Atlas the guy holding the world on his shoulders. Yes we have undertaken a whole new world of responsibility here raising two babies. We have also undertaken the responsibility of taking our birth control very seriously. There will be no more security breaches for this family. Treading Quicksand. Just to name a few.
ending tyrants
14 years ago