Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Little Pumpin

"Pumpin" We had so much fun with Halloween this year L dressed up as a pumpkin and whenever we asked her what she was she said "Pumpin." Her favorite book for Halloween is called Pumpkin Eye and she always asks to read "Pumpin Eye." She also likes to read Big Joe's Trailer Truck and asks for "Big Joe Truck." If I have something she wants and she really wants it she says "Need it" over and over until I break down and give it to her or put it away. She's eaten a lot of chocolate this way.

She also tells mommy and daddy who to hold. "Willow take Mommy Lyra take Daddy." That means mommy holds Willow and Daddy holds Lyra or vice versa.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Cutest Quotes

L is starting to talk up a storm now. Her two year old vocabulary is growing by the day and she has some really cute phrases that only those closest to her can understand. They are so cute they are worth recording. Whenever she sees something she wants but can't reach she says, "Pick it." Then you have to talk to her about which thing it is she wants to pick. After going to the park yesterday we got home to have hot cocoa and she said "hot tok to." She also can't pronounce the "s" at the beginning of all her words making her favorite item the "tep tool" hard to understand. I still forget she's talking about the Step Stool. There are more, I'll write them in when I get a chance/remember.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Obama/Biden '08

I watched the two debates. I prefered the vice presidential debate to the presidential debate. The candidates for president seem to be hiding their real selves behind safe talking points that allow them to connect with their constituents. After seeing the Biden Palin Debate I would like the opportunity to vote for Joe Biden for president. However, seeing that's not possible I'm very happy to vote for the Obama/Biden ticket. Biden spoke intelligently about all of the topics that came up, but especially in regard to foreign policy. We spend more in Iraq in 3 weeks than the entire 6 and a half years we've been in Afghanistan. Here's where my big issue is, this is what drives me crazy about McCain: WE'RE NOT TRYING TO WIN IN IRAQ, WE'RE TRYING TO WIN THE WAR ON TERROR.

McCain keeps talking about how important it is to win in Iraq. He's to stubborn to see that we're not fighting the Iraqi people. We're fighting a constantly changing insurgency that has so far wreaked havoc on the actual civilians living in Iraq. Al Queada in Iraq is growing in response to our occupation of that country. They can easily travel to Iraq, not so easily to our homeland. Now we've created a situation where Al Queada, a prominently sunni organization is working in concert with Iran a staunchly Shia country. We're creating a terror nightmare b/c of this administrations refusal to seriously work out a timetable for withdrawal.


Here's Obama's problem, he needs to start talking clearly to the American people about winning the war on terror. So far he talks eloquently about ending the war in Iraq, but not about winning. The American people want to win, let's start talking about what we really need to win: THE WAR ON TERROR. OBAMA NEEDS TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT BY LEAVING IRAQ WE WILL BE BETTER ABLE TO CONCENTRATE ON AFGHANISTAN AND ON WINNING THE WAR ON TERROR!


Saturday, August 30, 2008

I'm starting to feel like myself again

There are certain things you lose touch with when you have children, especially the first few months when everything is so new and delicate. With my first daughter I completely lost the ability to take a shower unless someone was there to hold her. It's not that serious this time around, but still you lose touch with some things. I'm getting back into the parts of me that will help me be stronger for my daughters. With L my first it was snow skiing and yoga nights out. Now with W my second its slalom water skiing. I got a new ski for christmas this year which I haven't been able to use all season b/c I was pregnant or recovering from my c-section. Today for the first and most exciting time I was able to get up on my new water ski. This is a big step in the right direction. I was able to lose my baby weight from L by water skiing last summer. I'm hoping I'll get a good start on dropping some serious pounds before we pull the boat. By the way the last ski day last year was Oct. 21st. So I'm counting on almost two more months of skiing. Skiing and Skiing it's all good.

I had two awesome experiences with my girls this week. First I took the three of us up to Babies r us to get some stuff with gift cards. Afterwards I went out to lunch with my two girls. This was a big thing for us. Willow was snuggled up next to me in her wrap and L was such a big girl. I told her she had to hold my hand and stay close b/c we would be in the parking lot and the restaurant and she did. She understood that I wouldn't be able to chase her and I needed her close by. She stood right by me and she snuggled next to me in the booth for lunch. She also did a great job eating her grilled cheese and letting me eat my corn chowder. We had a nice lunch together my girls and I. There were some melt downs once we got home, but it was a step in the right direction.

The other awesome thing was at bedtime. I was singing the usually lullabies while L nursed to sleep. I finished the first one and she looked up at me and said "Baby's Boat" That was the first time she ever told me to sing another one by name. It made me feel like she does appreciate her bed time routine even if sometimes it's the hardest part of the day.

The organizing is in my mind but on the back burner. It's time to turn up the heat!

Monday, August 18, 2008

I'd better start somewhere

This whole organizing thing is harder to do with two little ones running around. It's not an excuse to be a slob though. I have new mommy friends who host playgroups at their houses every week and everything always looks put together let's say. I know I'm out of my league here. However, I'd like to work up to a new level of put togetherness. Something managable without hired help.

So lucky me I have three things to do to complete the intro portion of my organizing work. First, create the dream board. I'll post a picture of that when it's done. Second, keep an organizing journal. You're lookin' at it. Third, and most important: ELIMINATE, CATAGORIZE AND ORGANIZE.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Getting my ducks in a row

I just got this great book out of the library that will change my life for the better. At least I'm optimistic about it now b/c I've only just read the introduction. "One Year to an Organized Life" by Regina Leeds. I'll chronicle my progress here to help keep me motivated. With two little ones under two getting organized is a monumental task. This fabulous book breaks it down into week by week chunks that take you through an entire year. I would love to be more organized at the end of a year and my husband wouldn't keep complaining every night about the mess. The clutter everywhere. Can't you just get rid of it, i'm going to get a dumpster and throw it all away. And the kids toys are the worst b/c how do you organize those? It's a free for all around here.

This project might kill two birds with one stone b/c my husband claims I don't have time for a blog. Well I need to journal and I can't write with little hands always stealing my pens and ripping my papers. So I can chronicle the insanity here and be able to get it out. But if the chronicle includes my progress towards getting more f***ing organized then my husband will be thrilled with my blog. He will think it's the best thing since frozen waffles.

Now all I need to do is get started. The first thing I need to do is create a dream board. I have a scrapbooking night coming up so I'll attempt to make progress on this here. I can imagine a dream board becoming the biggest explosion of mess since Mt. St. Helen's if I let little L get her hands on it. Maybe that would be fun though. We could make a creative collage together and start envisioning our dream house. I'll do the envisioning and she can do the tearing up of numerous magazine pages. The only problem is my husband already made me get rid of my collection of magazines that would be perfect for this project. That darn husband! Okay now I need to finish the introduction so I can get started on this project. I always wished someone would help me get organized. If this blog can help even one person out in blogland then I'll have fulfilled my destiny. Waste of time my heiny!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Out and About

We made it to playgroup yesterday. I have to start getting ready about an hour before we want to leave. The two year old (L) gets her clothes and shoes on. She wants to do it, so it takes quite a bit of chasing and encouragement. "Do it, Do it, Do it." It's hard for me to chase her around as i'm still recovering from my c-section of less than a month ago. I get her dressed and then she dumps out her toys all over the house while i get the baby (W) ready. Luckily babies aren't too hard to get ready. The only problem is we have a spitter, so i could put an outfit on and need to change it twice before we leave the house. Once everyone is dressed, oh i have to remember my clothes too, we start going to the car. This is the mountain we have to climb to get out of the house. We have a steep staircase going up to the road and i have to take the kids up in shifts to the car which is parked at the top. This is interesting, but it will definitely help me lose the baby weight. Once everyone is in the car i can relax and just drive. It's even better if no one is screaming then i could just drive all day, who cares about $4 dollars a gallon gas. If L is sleeping i can even listen to npr which is pretty much the extent of my news intake these days. However if L is not sleeping we listen to Music Together over and over and over again.

Then we get to playgroup, thank goodness for other mommies in the same boat. It is so helpful to have mommy friends who've either done it all ready or are doing it at the same time. Raising babies that is.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

A chronicle to help maintain sanity

There are two kids under two in my house now and i'm taking care of them, or trying to. The vocabulary might be basic and the spelling pretty bad but this will be a tale of our days. Sometimes it feels like i'm living in captivity, but i just have to learn how to wrangle two small people out the door. This would include avoiding dangerous things like traffic and open water. I think we can manage. Tomorrow will be our first test. We are going to playgroup. I'd like to stop at the grocery store before we arrive to pick up a tasty pastry but how long will that take? Even if we do get to the store can i get both kids in and out without a major production? Probably not. . .We'll see.